Jun 29, 2010

Snapshots of the desert

It´s day six, the waves have dropped but the boys managed to get a great session at a semi-secret right point. Blue water and perfect conditions turn a surfspot into a photo studio, everyone is frothing

Now back at the hotel we log on the computer to find some good news, there's activity in the southern hemisphere and if our calculations are correct we will see a solid south swell in a couple of days. The crew is amped to check some footage and with no good surf for tomorrow morning tonight could be boys night out.

DIA SEIS. Bajo el oleaje pero el equipo logro encontrar una punta con muy buenas derechas. La marea baja hace que la ola este seccionada, pero en cuanto sube las cosas cambian. Dylan logra conectar con Mark unas muy buenas tomas.

Photo: alejandrofuentevilla.com

Jun 26, 2010

Baja Diaries

We've been in the desert for 3 days, time seems to stand still, until swell arrives. We have been looking at the maps for days and the waves are finally here, the boys are amped.
Today we surfed a spot close to Cabo, a semi-secret left with some random rights, Angelo and Perrito attack the left while Dylan tries his luck at the little peak down the beach, they all get some pretty sick clips.

Llevamos 3 dias en el desierto y todo pasa muy lento. Hasta que entra el swell, un sur que habíamos estado esperando por varios días.
El primer dia se pasa rápido, con sesiones en una conocida ola cerca de Cabo donde salen excelentes tomas. El swell sigue subiendo y es hora de ir a otra punta.
Los elegidos para esta misión son Dylan, Perrito, y Angelo, además de un enorme crew de filmación y fotografía.
Esto es algo de lo que ocurrió, pero lo mejor esta por venir.

Photos: Alex Fuentevilla

Jun 10, 2010

Tlayuda sessions

There's a really good south swell on the way and Oscar and David are at home ready to shoot. There's a few options and places we still haven't filmed, but Oscar thinks we should stick around Puerto, he has the feeling the rights will be great.

We want to get more guys to film with us, we call Mike G. his team manager and he sets us up with Dusty Payne and Ezequiel Lau, so we are all set. They are travelling with Tom Carey, we meet up at a spot X and it's on. They waves are incredible with hardly anyone out...this is what went down...Gracias Mike G. and Carey.

Photos: Rumors

Jun 2, 2010

Snapshots of Sinaloa...

Five solid days of waves, perfect wind and just the right direction make this trip one of the most productive sessions for the filming of Rumors…needless to say the boys scored. But it is time to hit the road again.

Hasta pronto amigos.

Photos: Bella Hunt